Systemic psychotherapy in 1080 Vienna
As a systemic family therapist, I offer systemic psychotherapy in 1080 Vienna.
I work with individuals and couples as well as families and groups.
Under the link FOCUS OF WORK you will find more information with respect to my thematic focus!
Request an appointment for a first interview by e-mail or phone now!
What is systemic psychotherapy?
Systemic psychotherapy looks at people and their problems against the background of the system in which they operate and in the context of the social relationships they have within it. Special focus is placed on communication processes and communication patterns.
The focus is not on the question: “Why” is a situation the way it is? Rather: “How” can a situation be changed? In this context, systemic psychotherapy offers clients support for orienting themselves in systems and how to bring about change themselves. Systemic psychotherapists can draw on a range of interventions to enable new perspectives and expand the scope for action. These interventions include, for example: circular questions, reframings, externalizations, metaphors, visualizing methods such as genograms and constellations, home exercises,…